Thursday, June 13, 2013

Naval Capability

Leaving my brother's I went for 3 days of what turned out to be dry camping (no hookups) at Houghton Lake State Park which unsurprisingly is on the north shore of Houghton Lake.  I got a campsite right on the water for $17 a night which seemed a little steep for dry camping but I guess it's "the height of the season" for camping in Michigan.

The view from the back steps of the Tank.

Once again there was unfortunately no boat or kayak rental within reasonable distance of the park so I was unable to try out my fishing rod.  Readers of this blog remember that the lack of boat rentals has been a problem encountered in "on-the-water" parks in Texas and elsewhere in the past.  Sooooo......I went shopping and found a kayak back in Midland at a store for roughly 30% off and a paddle and life jacket that were also heavily discounted,  I took the brand new vessel to Sanford Lake (about 15 miles north of Midland) and tried it out....very fun AND I didn't tip over, probably thanks to the very modern kayak launch built into the boat dock that you see here.

Got everything for just under $300.

The kayak is 9 ft 6 inches from stem to stern and weighs in at just over 40 lbs.  It fits in the camper (which is a less than desirable way to transport it) but I'm trying to figure a way to transport it on the roof of the camper.  I have some ideas but I need to do a little research to see if a fellow RV'er has already invented this wheel and I can just shamefully steal their method.  I'll update with pictures if I can figure anything out.

Thanks for reading!

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