I've been "urban camping" around the Katy, TX area waiting for Home Depot to assign me some hours and that assignment hit in force last week. I'm being tasked to work in the Lumber/Building Materials department this time because things are slow in Garden where I used to work and also because there is a labor shortage in Lumber.
My store, taken from Garden where I WON'T be working! |
While I was initially disappointed not to be going back to Garden where I knew all the employees and the business, I now see getting assigned to Lumber as a big positive because of what I'll learn there. One of my ultimate goals is to buy some land out west (Southern Utah and Northern Arizona come to mind) and build an off-grid solar powered "Tiny House" (Hey, after living in the Tank for three years a Tiny House will seem like a McMansion!) Having no practical experience in home building would make that a daunting task for me although there are plenty of "How to" u-tube articles online specifically dealing with Tiny House construction. So by absorbing knowledge from the Lumber and Building Materials department and also getting to talk to the customers, many of whom are building contractors, I figure I'll get "educated" on proper stud frame construction, how to put a metal roof together, how thick a slab needs to be, etc.
I had the last two days off so I went out to Stephen F Austin State Park to camp and dump tanks and replenish the Tank's fresh water supply. I reviewed the park here:
Stephen F Austin State Park Review It has been so unseasonably hot this October (low 90's) that having hookups to run the Tank's AC for a couple of afternoons has been a real blessing!
A rare opportunity for the Tank to have hookups! |
I don't know when the dreary heat wave is going to break. October in Houston is usually one of the two or three nicest months of the year for weather. It almost feels like we're getting cheated out of Fall this year, and it also makes urban boondocking a lot more uncomfortable than what I had anticipated.
You have to enjoy this early in the morning because it gets too hot after lunch. |
I'll post some updates about my Lumber Department experiences and also any Houston area camping I do.
Thanks for reading!